Paddy Royall joins Gulliver as research director

Paddy Royall formerly Professor of Physics and Chemistry at the University of Bristol has obtained a Research Director position at CNRS this year and just joined Gulliver.

We are extremely happy to welcome Paddy, an expert in soft-matter, and specifically in colloidal science, including the physics of glasses and gels.

Paddy has a long experience in microscopy experiments, including super resolution microscopy (STED), but also in Molecula Dynamics simulations of these systems. Recently he got interested in active matter too and we are looking for enriching collaborations!


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Justine Laurent joins Gulliver as our new engineer

Justine, formerly at PMMH, has decided to join Gulliver. She will replace Aurelie lloret who just moved to Montpelliers. Justine already knows (...) 

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PHD Defense - Claire Doré - 15/12/2022 - Active nematic films under confinement: harnessing topological defects, shaping active flows and designing autonomous microfluidic machines

Claire Doré’s PhD Defense will take place on: December 15th at 3pm Charpak amphitheater ESPCI 10 rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris Active nematic films (...) 

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