Mathieu Oléron, post-doc, has joined Gulliver to work on the project Microfluidic Metamaterials with Coiled Droplets, with Josh McGraw and Matthieu Labousse.
Mathieu Oléron, post-doc, has joined Gulliver to work on the project Microfluidic Metamaterials with Coiled Droplets, with Josh McGraw and Matthieu Labousse.
Mengshi Wei’s PhD Defense will take place on: September 28th at 2pm Charpack Hall, ESPCI 10 rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris Active Colloidal Gels On (...)
Samuel Hidalgo’s PhD Defense will take place on: December 7th at 2pm IPGG amphitheater 6 Rue Jean Calvin, 75005 Paris Studies of active systems (...)