Gulliver travel to LOMA

Gulliver could finally make its traditionnal travel this September, after a first attempt cancelled because of the sanitary crisis related to COVID. It is hard to describe how delightful it was to see again colleagues in real, exchange with students and collaborators. Thanks to all the LOMA people, who really made this moment an exceptional one.


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Hedi Karoui joins Gulliver as postdoctoral researcher

Post-doc Hedi Karoui has joined Gulliver to work on Micro RNA detection with micro fluidics droplets, in Guillaume Gines’s team. 

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Mathieu Oléron joins Gulliver as postdoctoral researcher

Mathieu Oléron, post-doc, has joined Gulliver to work on the project Microfluidic Metamaterials with Coiled Droplets, with Josh McGraw and (…) 

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