The Gulliver lab has joined Institut de...
The Gulliver lab has joined Institut de Physique as a second Institut principal together with Institut de Chimie. This is a nice recognition of the interdisciplinary science at play in the lab. We are grateful to both Institutes for this (...)
Mathilde Reyssat defended her HDR (Habilitation to direct research) on 5 December 2024, awarded by PSL University.
Her work entitled ‘Megakaryocytes, capsules and swimming drops under confinement’ describes her research activities (summarised opposite), teaching and involvement in the ESPCI community. Microfluidics offers new ways of constraining (...)
Ludovic Berthier joins Gulliver for a one year visit
We are happy to host Ludovic Berthier, a CNRS Research Director from the laboratory Charles Coulomb, University of Montpellier, who joins Gulliver for a one year part time stay. Ludovic is an expert in the statistical physics of disordered (...)
Welcome to Jeldy Cubas Hernandez
Gulliver warmfully welcomes Jeldy, our new administrative assistant, in charge of the relation with the ESPCI support functions. We wish Jeldy all the best for this new job, and thank her in advance for her support.
Michel Fruchart joins Gulliver
We are pleased to welcome Michel Fruchart, CNRS researcher, who has joined our lab. His research interests center on condensed matter physics, including active matter, nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics, and hydrodynamics. .
PHD Defense - Paul Baconnier - 23/01/2023 - Active elastic solids: collective motion, collective actuation, and polarization
Paul Baconnier’s PhD Defense, conducted under the supervision of Olivier Dauchot, will take place on: Monday January 23rd at 3:30pm IPGG amphitheatre 6 Rue Jean Calvin 75005 Paris Active elastic solids: collective motion, collective actuation, (...)
Olivier Rivoire & his team join Gulliver
We are pleased to welcome Olivier Rivoire, CNRS Researcher, and the PhD students he co-supervises: Amaury Paveyranne Angelo Charry Marion Chauveau Olivier’s team will develop research projects in statistical physics and evolutionary biology to (...)
PHD Defense - Abir Boudaoud - 16/12/2022 - Development of a Primary System for the Measurement of Nano-flow Rates of Liquids
Abir Boudaoud’s PhD Defense will take place on: December 16th at 2pm IPGG amphitheater 6 Rue Jean Calvin, 75005 Paris Development of a Primary System for the Measurement of Nano-flow Rates of Liquids Abstract: The metrological traceability of (...)
PHD Defense - Gabriel Guyard - 13/12/2022 - Near-surface transport of polymer solutions and time-dependent soft microfluidics
Gabriel Guyard’s PhD Defense will take place on: December 13th at 1pm IPGG amphitheatre 6 Rue Jean Calvin, 75005 Paris Near-surface transport of polymer solutions and time-dependent Flows of polyacrylamide (PAM) solutions under micrometric (...)
PHD Defense - Maitane Muñoz Basagoiti - 20/12/2022 - Bio-inspired design from the bottom-up: Catalysis and Self-Assembly through Folding
Maitane Muñoz Basagoiti’s PhD Defense will take place on: December 20th at 2pm IPGG amphitheatre 6 Rue Jean Calvin, 75005 Paris Bio-inspired design from the bottom-up: Catalysis and Self-Assembly through Folding Biological matter is highly (...)