We are theorists and experimentalists working at the interface of physics, chemistry, biology and computer science. Our research focuses on soft matter (colloids, polymers, liquid crystals, granular matter, thin sheets...), active matter (self-propelled colloids, swimming droplets, walking grains, swarms of robots... ) and molecular systems (DNA, RNA, enzymes...). We study various aspects of these systems such as topology, self-assembly, interfaces, information processing, evolution..., while also developing general theoretical methods. The name Gulliver captures the diversity of scales that are studied in the lab.

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03Active Active matter Active Matter


Ludovic Berthier joins Gulliver for a one year visit

We are happy to host Ludovic Berthier, a CNRS Research Director from the laboratory Charles Coulomb, University of Montpellier, who joins (...)

Welcome to Jeldy Cubas Hernandez

Gulliver warmfully welcomes Jeldy, our new administrative assistant, in charge of the relation with the ESPCI support functions. We wish Jeldy (...)

Michel Fruchart joins Gulliver

We are pleased to welcome Michel Fruchart, CNRS researcher, who has joined our lab. His research interests center on condensed matter physics, (...)

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Frugal random exploration strategy for shape recognition using statistical geometry

Very distinct strategies can be deployed to recognize and characterize an unknown environment or a shape. A recent and promising approach, (...)

Traveling fronts in vibrated polar disks: At the crossroad between polar ordering and jamming

We investigate experimentally the collective motion of polar vibrated disks in an annular geometry, varying both the packing fraction and the... (...)

Model of Active Solids: Rigid Body Motion and Shape-Changing Mechanisms

Active solids such as cell collectives, colloidal clusters, and active metamaterials exhibit diverse collective phenomena, ranging from rigid body... (...)

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