Gulliver travel to LOMA
Gulliver could finally make its traditionnal travel this September, after a first attempt cancelled because of the sanitary crisis related to COVID. It is hard to describe how delightful it was to see again colleagues in real, exchange with (...)
Justine Laurent joins Gulliver as our new engineer
Justine, formerly at PMMH, has decided to join Gulliver. She will replace Aurelie lloret who just moved to Montpelliers. Justine already knows very well the ESPCI context. She is in charge of the MEB platform, as well as of the Nanoscribe a (...)
Paddy Royall joins Gulliver as research director
Paddy Royall formerly Professor of Physics and Chemistry at the University of Bristol has obtained a Research Director position at CNRS this year and just joined Gulliver. We are extremely happy to welcome Paddy, an expert in soft-matter, and (...)
Elisa Silveira joins the lab as our ESPCI administrator
Elisa joined the lab and will assist us in all administrative matters with ESPCI. In particular she will take care of all new comers in the lab, a crucial role for the quality of life in Gulliver.
Guillaume Gines received the ERC starting grant!
Guillaume Gines received the ERC starting grant to work on Molecular Programming for MicroRNA profiling. He will be joining the Gulliver lab as a CNRS researcher in October. CONGRATULATIONS GUILLAUME!!!
Vincent Bertin receives the Jean Langlois prize for research dissemination
The Jean Langlois foundation co-awards Julien Es Sayed (former PhD student at the SIMM lab) and Vincent Bertin, PhD student at Gulliver to the Prize for research broadcasting. A donation of 2,500€ comes with the Prize in order to help the young (...)
Gulliver travel to Amsterdam (UVA and AMOLF)
As every two years, Gulliver travels and visits a lab of close collaborators. This year we went to the University of Amsterdam (UVA) and the AMOLF Research Institute. This was a unique opportunity for the 45-person Gulliver team to discover (...)
Fée Sorrentino joins the lab as our new CNRS administrator
We welcome Fee, our new lab CNRS - administrator, who will take in charge all administrative tasks related to the CNRS. Fee joined Gulliver last year for a one year period to evaluate the job. We are so glad she enjoyed it and decided to enter (...)
Teresa Lopez-Leon has been awarded the CNRS bronze medal
CNRS has announced the list of winners of the CNRS medals. Among the winners, this year is Teresa Lopez Leon, researcher in Gulliver. Teresa studies topological defects in liquid crystal shells with one goal in mind: control their formation to (...)
A new 3D printer at Gulliver
Gulliver just acquired a Connex 3 Objet260 from Stratasys. The Objet260 Connex3 boasts the widest range of material properties for its class, from rigid to flexible, transparent to opaque, neutral to vibrant, standard to bio-compatible and (...)