
Contact :
Hèléne Berthoumieux
helene.berthoumieux (arobase)
Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 79 xx xx

Paddy Royall
paddy.royall (arobase)
Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 79 xx xx


Gulliver seminars take place on Mondays at 11:30 AM in the F304 room, and typically last one hour including questions. The seminars are in English, and the scientific topics are mainly those studied in the laboratory.

Séminaire GULLIVER

Lundi 27 novembre 2023 de 11h30 à 12h30 - Charpak

Phase-Separated Droplets Swim to Their Dissolution

Cells control vital bio-chemical processes by creating compartments with distinct compositions. In addition to the well-known membrane-bound organelles, such as the nucleus or chloroplasts,
dynamic membraneless compartments formed through liquid-liquid phase separation have merged as important cellular constituents over the last decades. These biomolecular ondensates are liquid- like, their absence of membrane allow easy chemical exchanges with their surroundings, they can coalesce, exert capillary forces and dissolve or condense easily. While their formation and liquid-like properties are well established, much less is known on the effect of biochemical activity on them. In this talk, I will present our artificial chemically active biomolecular condensates based on Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) rich droplets seeded with enzymes. I will show that the enzymatic activity can generate concentrations gradients that drives Marangoni swimming. Yet, only specific molecules trigger this Marangoni response in our surfactant free system. I will show that the surface tension variations emerge from local perturbations of the thermodynamic phase equilibrium and can be easily summarized as : phase-separated droplets swim to their dissolution.


Seminars  (2)

General recommendations for the speakers

The audience is often heterogeneous - because of the wide range of scientific topics covered in the lab - so planning a talk for a broader audience would be preferred. The seminar is in English, and speakers are thus invited to prepare their slides in English.

The seminar starts at 11:30 AM. The speaker is asked to arrive in the lab at least 15 minutes in advance to set up their computer. The talks last typically 45 minutes, and are followed by a discussion time.
