Theoretical approaches to soft matter and biophysics
The exploration of soft and biophysical systems requires the development of new theoretical and numerical approaches. These include new numerical methods and algorithm that are adapted to the specificity of the systems and of the experimental techniques used as well as theoretical frameworks that allow us to handle non-equilibrium fluctuations and their relations with information and thermodynamics.
Statistical physics
Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of the heat bath for two Brownian particles, C. De Bacco, F. Baldovin, E. Orlandini and Ken Sekimoto, Phys.Rev.Lett. 112, 180605 (2014).
The range and nature of effective interactions in hard-sphere solids, M. Schindler and A. C. Maggs. Soft Matter 12, 2612 (2016).
Nonequilibrium tuning of the thermal Casimir effect, D. S. Dean, B.S. Lu, A. C. Maggs and R. Podgornik, PRL 116, 240602 (2017).
Algorithms for physics
Multithreaded event-chain Monte Carlo with local times, B. Li, S. Todo, A.C. Maggs and W. Krauth, arXiv (2020).
Momentum flux viewpoint for many body systems
Momentum transfer in non-equilibrium steady states, A. Fruleux, R. Kawai and K. Sekimoto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 160601 (2012).
Mesoscopic formulas of linear and angular momentum fluxes, A. Fruleux and K. Sekimoto; Phys. Rev. E 94, 013004 (2016)
Thermodynamics of hard-spheres
Cavity averages for hard spheres in the presence of polydispersity and incomplete data, M. Schindler and A. C. Maggs. EPJE 38, 97 (2015)
The range and nature of effective interactions in hard-sphere solids, M, Schindler and A. C. Maggs, Soft Matter, 12, 9 (2016).
Sampling eigenmodes in colloidal solids, A. C. Maggs and M. Schindler, EPL 109 (2015).
Charged systems: structure, Casimir effect
The conductivity of strong electrolytes from stochastic density functional theory, V. Démery et D. S. Dean, J. Stat. Mech. 023106 (2016)
Fluctuations and information in chemical networks
A case study of thermodynamic bounds for chemical kinetics, K. Proesmans, L. Peliti and D. Lacoste, in "Chemical kinetics beyond the textbook", World Scientific Publishers (2019)
Stochastic dynamics
Driven probe under harmonic confinement in a colloidal bath, V. Démery and É. Fodor, J. Stat. Mech. 2019, 033202 (2019)
Linking lineage and population observables in biological branching processes, R. Garcia-Garcia, A. Genthon and D. Lacoste, Phys. Rev. E, 042413 (2019)
Progressive quenching: Globally coupled model, Bruno Ventéjou and Ken Sekimoto Phys. Rev. E 97, 062150 (2018)
Time dependence of advection-diffusion coupling for nanoparticle ensembles, A. Vilquin, V. Bertin, P. Soulard, G. Guyard, E. Raphaël, F. Restagno, T. Salez, J. McGraw (2020)
Stochastic thermodynamics
An ordered set of power-efficiency trade-offs, H. Vroylandt, D. Lacoste and G. Verley, J. Stat. Mech., 054002 (2019)
Stochastic Energetics
Lecture Notes in Physics vol. 799, Ken Sekimoto, Springer (2010)
Ludovic BERTHIER | webpage | Google Scholar |
Hélène BERTHOUMIEUX | Google Scholar |
Vincent DÉMERY | webpage | Google Scholar |
Michel FRUCHART | webpage |
David LACOSTE | webpage | Google Scholar |
Anthony MAGGS | webpage | Google Scholar |
Olivier RIVOIRE | webpage | Google Scholar |
Michael SCHINDLER | webpage | Google Scholar |
Ken SEKIMOTO | webpage | Google Scholar |