
Contact :
Hèléne Berthoumieux
helene.berthoumieux (arobase)
Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 79 xx xx

Paddy Royall
paddy.royall (arobase)
Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 79 xx xx


Gulliver seminars take place on Mondays at 11:30 AM in the F304 room, and typically last one hour including questions. The seminars are in English, and the scientific topics are mainly those studied in the laboratory.

Gulliver Seminar : Sarah Loos (Cambridge University)

Lundi 13 janvier de 11h30 à 12h30 - C162

Irreversibility in fluctuating nonreciprocal systems

While the action-reaction principle dictates all fundamental physical interactions, the dynamics we effectively observe in complex nonequilibrium systems ubiquitously breaks reciprocity on various scales. I will first show that even for a simple system of two nonreciprocally coupled Brownian particles, nonreciprocity can have surprising thermodynamic implications, such as generating heat flows against a temperature gradient [1]. I will then discuss fluctuations near nonreciprocal phase transitions. Using fluctuating field theories, we show for a wide class of models that close to such transitions, fluctuations not only inflate, as in equilibrium criticality, but also develop an asymptotically increasing time-reversal asymmetry and associated surging entropy production [2,3]. The formation of dissipative patterns and the emergence of irreversible fluctuations can both be attributed to a mechanism of mode coupling in the vicinity of critical exception points. For a nonreciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model, we show that this manifests itself in actively propelled interfaces whose dynamics can be mapped to the motion of a single microswimmer.


Seminars  (0)

General recommendations for the speakers

The audience is often heterogeneous - because of the wide range of scientific topics covered in the lab - so planning a talk for a broader audience would be preferred. The seminar is in English, and speakers are thus invited to prepare their slides in English.

The seminar starts at 11:30 AM. The speaker is asked to arrive in the lab at least 15 minutes in advance to set up their computer. The talks last typically 45 minutes, and are followed by a discussion time.
